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Oracle Database Design with Entity Relationship Diagram

This tutorial shows you how to design Oracle database with Visual Paradigm. We will use Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) to design database and then generate database initialization script directly to Oracle database.
1.Create physical database design ERD
2.Draw entities and connecting relationships
3.Create columns and primary keys
4.Connect to oracle database through JDBC
5.Export database schema to Oracle database

Compatible edition(s): Enterprise, Professional, Standard

  • September 1, 2009
  • Views: 115,978
  • PDF

  1. In Visual Paradigm, create a new project by selecting File > New Project from the main menu. Name the project ComputerSales.
  2. Create an ERD by selecting File > New Diagram > Database Modeling > Entity Relationship Diagram from the main menu.
  3. Enter Physical Database Design as the name of diagram.
    Enter diagram name of ERD
  4. Select entity from the toolbar to create an entity.
    Select Entity in diagram toolbar
  5. Drag to diagram to create an entity. Enter Customer as the name of entity.
    Create entity in diagram
  6. To add column to the entity, right-click on the entity and select New Column from the pop-up menu.
    Add column in entity
  7. Enter customer_id as the name of column.
  8. To specify the column as primary key, right-click on the column and select Include in primary key from the pop-up menu.
    Include column in primary key
  9. Move the mouse pointer over the entity, press on the One-to-Many Relationship -> Entity relationship icon.
    Create relationship by resources centric
  10. Drag out to an empty space to create an entity named Addresses.
  11. You can also create column through the specification dialog. To open the specification dialog, right-click the entity and select Open Specification... from the pop-up menu.
    Open entity specification dialog
  12. Select the Columns tab, and click Add....
    Add columns in entity specification dialog
  13. Enter the column information and click OK to confirm.
    Enter column information
  14. You also can specify the column as primary key by selecting the Primary Key property.
    Specify column as primary key
  15. Click OK.
  16. Column is added.
    All columns add in entity
  17. Let's repeat the previous steps to complete the ERD.
    Complete ERD
  18. Let's configure the database configuration. Select Tools > Database > Database Configuration... from the main menu.
  19. Select Oracle from the database list.
    Select Oracle database in ORM
  20. Click ... to specify the Oracle JDBC jar file location.
    Specify JDBC jar for Oracle database
  21. Select the Oracle JDBC driver file
  22. Fill in the information of the database to reverse, and click Test Connection to verify the connection. Click Next.
    Test Oracle database JDBC connection
  23. Now it's time to generate database. Select Tools > Database > Generate Database... from the main menu.
  24. In the Database Code Generation dialog box, customize the database generation.
  25. By default, Export to database is unchecked, check it to export the entities to the database.
    Check on export to oracle database
  26. Press OK to start the generate process.
  27. Let's check with the Oracle Web Object Browser to verify the generation.
    Confirm generated Oracle database in Web Object Browser

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