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How to Establish Multiple "Names" for a Model with Nickname?

CRC Recreation Club's main aim is to provide all sort of sports and recreation facilities for their members to be involved as a mean to promote healthy lifestyles. The club is planning to computerize some of its services. Now, we are going to study a simple use case diagram which shows the services that CRC Recreation Club want and need to computerize. To facilitate internal communication and ease of documentation, we want to maintain a set of internal naming to those use cases, as well as to record extra information like the risk and the developer(s) involved. These information is not expected to be visible to CRC Recreation Club. To achieve this, we will make use of the feature nickname.

Compatible edition(s): Enterprise, Professional, Standard

  • April 29, 2010
  • Views: 30,578
  • PDF

  1. Download CRC Recreation Club.vpp. You can also find this file at the bottom of this tutorial.
  2. Open the downloaded .vpp file in Visual Paradigm. To open a project, select Project > Open from the application toolbar.
  3. Open the use case diagram CRC Recreation Club Use Case Diagram and take a look.
    Use case diagram
    To facilitate internal communication and ease of documentation, we want to give those use cases a special code. But due to the design will be reviewed by the end user, we do not want to add the code directly on diagram. To solve this problem, we can make use of nickname.
  4. Select Modeling > Nicknames > Configure Nicknames... from the main menu.
    Configure nicknames
  5. Click Add in the Configure Nickname window. Enter Internal as name and click OK. Click OK in configure window to go back to diagram.
    Add nickname
  6. Now, the model is under the nickname set Internal. To prove this, take a look at the menu Modeling > Nickname and you should see the drop down menu as shown below.
    Current nickname
  7. Now, we can rename the use cases freely. Let's append code U1, U2 and U3 to use cases Workout, Play Mahjong and Apply for Membership. The same action can be done for any other kinds of model element. But in this tutorial we just focus on use case for simplicity.
    Use cases renamed
  8. Further to the names, we can also provide nickname-specific documentation. Open the specification of use case U1 - Workout first. Right-click on it and select Open Specification... from the popup menu.
  9. In the documentation pane, add development level content as shown in the image below.
    Use case description edited
  10. Edit also the documentation of other use cases.
    Open specification windows opened
  11. The changes we have made so far were all under the Internal nickname. If we want to carry on with the original content, switch back to the Original nickname. Select Original from the nickname drop down menu.
    Change to original nickname
  12. You can immediately see that U1, U2 and U3 are gone.
    Nickname changed to original
  13. Let's check the documentation. Those internal text written under Internal nickname set are gone as well.
    Description changed to original
  14. If you switch to Internal nickname again, those internal content will be back. With this, you can define another set of model, like internal in this case, without affecting the primary one.

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