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How to Use Diagram Info Shape?

Diagram info shape is a table for displaying diagram information. Information like diagram name, description, project management properties can be displayed as rows of such table. Besides, you can add rows yourself and then enter whatever detail you like in the table. In this tutorial you will try to add a Diagram Info Shape into a Business Process Diagram to display its details.

Compatible edition(s): Enterprise, Professional, Standard, Modeler

  • June 24, 2015
  • Views: 40,005
  • PDF

Overview of this Tutorial

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Diagram Info Shape to display the description and Version (Project Management) of a BPD.

In order to complete this tutorial you must have Visual Paradigm installed. You also need to have basic knowledge in modeling with Visual Paradigm.

Using Diagram Info Shape

  1. Download Online-Shopping.vpp. You can also find this file at the bottom of this tutorial, under the Resources section.
  2. Open the downloaded project file in Visual Paradigm.
  3. Open the Business Process Diagram Online Shopping. You should see the class diagram below:
    business process diagram example
  4. Before we add a Diagram Info Shape into the diagram, let's take a quick look at what we have specified in this diagram. Right-click on the background of the diagram and select Open Specification... from the popup menu.
  5. In the General tab of the specification window you can see the description entered.
    general tab
  6. Open the Project Management tab. Some of the properties have been set.
    project management properties
  7. Click OK to return to the diagram.
  8. Let's make use of a Diagram Info Shape to display the diagram description and Version (Project Management) on the diagram. From the diagram toolbar, drag Diagram Info out and drop it onto the diagram.
    adding diagram info shape
  9. The Diagram Info Shape is created with two rows - Name and Description. Move the Diagram Info Shape to the bottom right corner of the diagram.
    diagram info shape added
  10. Let's add a row into the Diagram Info Shape. Right-click on the shape and select Add Item from the popup menu.
    add item into diagram info shape
  11. Enter Version as the row name.
    first cell named
  12. Let's fill in the version number. Instead of hard coding the version, you can retrieve it dynamically with the use of variable. Double click on the adjacent cell and enter ${pmVersion}.
    using variables
  13. Click on the background of diagram to confirm editing. You can see 2.0 is shown:
    diagram info shape updated

List of Available Variables

Besides ${pmVersion}, here is a list of variables you can use in Diagram Info Shape for showing the actual values of Project Management properties specified:

Project Management Property Variable
Iteration ${pmIteration}
Phase ${pmPhase}
Discipline ${pmDiscipline}
Version ${pmVersion}
Priority ${pmPriority}
Status ${pmStatus}
Difficulty ${pmDifficulty}
Author ${pmAuthor}
Create date time ${pmCreateDateTime}
Last modified ${pmLastModified}

Here is a list of variables for retrieving general properties:

Property Variable
Name ${nickname}
Description ${description}
Teamwork Project Revision ${teamworkRevision}

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