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User Story Tutorial - Using Tag

In Visual Paradigm, analysts can make use of user story to capture the requirements of users. It is a very good way of requirement capturing in the sense that it offers a quick way to record the functionality that are needed by and valued to users without the need to write any detailed requirement documents or to have any prior consideration of system behaviors. However, there might be countless number of user stories in one software development process and you might want to categorize them further for convenience. For example, you might want to indicate which user stories are urgent and require instant resolution or which user stories are already completed where no further amendment is required. In order for you to have a better categorization of user stories in Visual Paradigm, tagging offers a great help. In the following tutorial, we will tell you about why tagging is needed, the steps to create and apply tag to user story and the way to filter user stories with specific tag.

Compatible edition(s): Enterprise, Professional, Standard, Modeler

  • January 18, 2016
  • Views: 26,997
  • PDF

Why tagging is needed?

Tagging is a way to group or identify collections of user stories. It provides you with the ability to logically group and filter different users' stories. It is extremely helpful when you need to find similar user stories. For example, while you are looking for one user story which is urgent, you might also want to find out the others which are also urgent. With the tag label 'urgent' being applied, they can easily locate all of the urgent user stories and deal with them at once.

How to create tag?

  1. Create a user story first. Open the User Story page in UeXceler. If you are not opening UeXceler, select UeXceler > UeXceler from the toolbar and then open the User Story page.
    Opening the User Story page
  2. Double-click on Add a feature that can be finished in 10 days
    To create a user story
  3. Enter Send private message to instructor as the name of user story and press Enter to confirm editing.
    User story created
  4. Let's say we want to create an Urgent tag for this user story. Click to select the user story first.
  5. Click on the Add tags button.
    Clicking on Add Tags
  6. Enter Urgent as the name of the new tag in the text field and then select <Create New>.
    To create a tag
  7. The tag is created and is added to the user story.
    Tag added to user story

How to add a tag to user story?

Let's say if we want to add the existing tag Urgent to another user story.

  1. Create another user story Reply inbox message and select it.
    User story created
  2. Click on the Add tags button.
    Clicking on Add Tags
  3. Select the tag(s) from the popup menu, in this case, check the Urgent tag that we have just created in the previous section.
    Select tag to add to user story
  4. Click Apply to add the tag.
    Tag added to user story

How to filter the screen to show user stories with specific tag?

  1. Let's say the user story Read inbox message is a core user story of the system and we want to indicate it with a tag. Add a new tag Core to the user story. Up to now, you have created two user stories:
    User stories
  2. Let's say if we want to review all core user stories. We can use the filter function to screen out all the non-related ones, so that only those with the Core tags are remained. Click the drop down button next to the Filter at top left and then select Core from the popup menu.
    Using filter
  3. As a result, only those user stories with the Core tag are shown.
    User stories filtered

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