Most Viewed Tutorials
BPMN Tutorial: How to Use BPMN Data Object?
- Creating BPMN data object with state
- Reusing data object
BPMN Process Simulation Example
- recording resource consumption
- recording activities' duration
- process simulation
- studying simulacian charts
How to Use Business Process Simulation?
- quantify process performance
- identify process bottlenecks
- compare different process designs in robustness
- clues to decide on process change
Abstract Factory Pattern Tutorial
This tutorial is aimed to guide the definition and application of abstract factory design pattern. By reading this tutorial, you will know how to develop a model for the abstract factory pattern, and how to apply it practice.
How to Draw BPMN Conversation Diagram?
- Modeling with conversation diagram
- Define multiple connections between participants
What is Storyboard? How to Develop a Storyboard?
- Creating Tag for User Story
- Adding Existing Tag
- Filter User Stories by Tags
Exporting Database Design to Excel for Mass Editing
Teach you how to massive rename database tables by exporting ERD to MS Excel function provided by DB-VA.
How to Generate Activity Diagram from User Story?
- Write user story
- Generate activity diagram
How to Develop a Decision Table?
- Develop a decision table
- Learn the highlighting feature in decision table